Marvels Lane Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-24
This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium funding to help improve the achievement of our disadvantaged pupils.
It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.
School Overview
Detail | Data |
School name | Marvels Lane Primary |
Number of pupils in school | 393 (22 Nurs) |
Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils | 39% |
Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended) | 2022 – 2025 |
Date this statement was published | Dec 2024 |
Date on which it will be reviewed | Nov 2025 |
Statement authorised by | Edward Dove (HT) |
Pupil premium lead | Edward Dove |
Governor / Trustee lead | Susie Freeman |
Funding overview
Detail | Amount |
Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year | £213,430 |
Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year | £3,206 |
Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable) | £0 |
Total budget for this academic year If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year | £216,536 |
Part A: Pupil Premium Strategy Plan
Statement of Intent
At Marvels Lane, we work passionately to enable all children to achieve – academically, creatively, personally and socially. To be the best that they can be in all that they do.
Research shows that children from disadvantaged or low income backgrounds can have some additional barriers or challenges that may affect their achievement (see challenges section below). In many case these challenges increased during and since the Covid pandemic and lockdowns. The purpose of this strategy plan is to address those challenges and support the long term ‘recovery’ of all children, but particularly those children who are eligible for Free School Meals and/or those who are deemed vulnerable in other ways (e.g. social care involvement or being young carers). Our main strategies for overcoming these challenges will be based around Quality First Teaching, irresistible learning and high expectations for all children to achieve. We will also use a range of interventions: some will benefit all pupils; some are specifically targeted at groups or individuals identified as Pupil Premium; some are directly related to pupil attainment; others have a more indirect impact on achievement by raising aspiration, self-esteem and broadening horizons. This plan will be reviewed annually. |
This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.
Challenge number | Detail of challenge |
The pandemic and lockdowns have potentially had an adverse effect on all children, particularly in terms of missed learning, reduced language experiences, forgotten learning skills (e.g. concentration, resilience, teamwork) and, of course, their mental health and well-being. While this may be the case for any child, in many cases it is the disadvantaged families who have been impacted the most, particularly in the following areas…. | |
1 | LANGUAGE & ORACY SKILLS Effective communication, speaking and listening in a wide range of contexts. |
2 | The EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE and YEAR 1 All areas of language, play and personal, social and emotional development. |
3 | ATTAINMENT Particularly Reading, Writing and Phonics |
4 | ASPIRATION & EXPECTATIONS This includes opportunities available to enrich the curriculum within the class and beyond. Parental engagement also. |
5 | MENTAL HEALTH & WELL-BEING Promoting mental health and well-being for all, while identifying, supporting and enabling children to cope with any difficulties they may be experiencing. |
6. | ATTENDANCE Particularly tackling persistent absence. |
This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.
Intended Outcome | Success Criteria |
1. Language and Oracy skills to be improved for all children across the school. | Individuals and groups of children make progress in different Oracy strands and skills as defined by the Voice 21 Framework. |
2. Pupil Premium children make at least good progress in EYFS & Year 1 | PP children make at least the same if not better progress in the key EYFS areas, Phonics and other subjects. |
3. Pupil Premium children make good or better progress with their learning. Gaps in outcomes reduce and are significantly less than National.
Quality First Teaching is effectively supported in all year groups especially Yr 6 and EYFS |
Block Tracking outcomes identify TAP (Team around the Pupil) children as making equal or better progress than the other children in their class.
Observations and other monitoring shows good or better practice, with under-performance addressed rapidly. |
4. Steady increase in / return to enrichment activities in and beyond the classroom Parental engagement and aspiration increases through a positive community atmosphere within and beyond the school | Year groups deliver a broad range of ‘wow’ activities across the year. Increased amount of enrichment clubs accessed by more children. Friends of MLPS successfully established. More community events take place. More money raised for school fund and specific projects. Improved attendance at parental workshops. |
5. Behaviour, learning behaviours and social/personal development continue to be strengths of the school, for all groups of children. | Outside partners agree with the school’s self-evaluation. Pupil questionnaires are overwhelmingly positive. PP children are proportionately represented in awards, rewards and consequences. |
6. Overall attendance and persistent absence returns to pre-pandemic levels (with Covid related absence excluded) | PA reduces across the year. PA of PP children reduces across the year. |
Activity in this Academic Year
This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.
Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)
Budgeted cost: £72,160
Activity | Evidence that supports this approach | Challenge number(s) addressed |
Additional Teaching and TA support in Year 6 to support learning, behaviour and emotional well-being | Targeted quality first teaching in Maths and English, supported by effective TAs. | 3 & 5 |
EYFS Leader management time | Regular monitoring and support to encourage and ensure consistent quality teaching. | 2 |
Delivery of Little Wandle phonics scheme | CPD and monitoring to support fidelity to phonics scheme | 2 & 3 |
Continue Oracy programme | Direct correlation between language skills and pupil outcomes | 1 |
Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)
Budgeted cost: £80,335
Activity | Evidence that supports this approach | Challenge number(s) addressed |
Additional Phonics support Yrs 1-3 and LW keep up | Quality phonics teaching has a direct impact on reading accuracy. | 2 & 3 |
Partnership with English Hub to support LW implementation | Quality phonics teaching has a direct impact on reading accuracy. | 2 & 3 |
Rocket Reader Interventions | Reading practice focusing on fluency and confidence leads to improved reading progress. | 3 |
Team Around the Pupil (TAP) meetings | Targeted approach focusing on 4 individuals in each class, based on PiXL principles. | 3 |
Targeted subsidies for a range of enrichment activities | Breadth of opportunity impacts on confidence, aspiration and outcomes. | 4 |
Tutoring | In English, Maths and Oracy. Focus on children identified in pupil progress meetings. | 3 |
Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)
Budgeted cost: £82,040
Activity | Evidence that supports this approach | Challenge number(s) addressed |
Pupil Parent Support Worker | Engagement of hard to reach and vulnerable families and supporting attendance. | 4, 5 & 6 |
Additional Admin Day – Attendance | Direct link between attendance and outcomes / well-being. Disproportionate amount of disadvantaged children are PA. | 6 |
Additional Admin Day – Safeguarding | Engagement of hard to reach and vulnerable families, and supporting attendance. | 4, 5 & 6 |
Place 2 Be | Proven counselling and therapy provider supporting the wide range of pastoral provision already available in the school. | 5 |
Additional behaviour support within a particular year group. | Additional support required to enable teachers to employ a wide range of behaviour management strategies to maximise learning for all children | 3 & 5 |
Parent Workshops | Parental understanding of and involvement in their children’s learning impacts on pupil outcomes. | 3 & 4 |
Website, school environment, signage, PR | Increased positive community feel of school to impact on ‘whole child’ outcomes and also pupil numbers / budget. | 4 |
Total budgeted cost: £234,535
Part B: Review of Outcomes in the Previous Academic Year
Pupil Premium Strategy Outcomes
This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2022 to 2023 academic year.
2024 Summer assessment data has been collected across the school, through national End of Key Stage tests, teacher assessments in all year groups (informed by within-school tests Yrs 2-6) and EYFS, Y1 phonics and Y4 multiplication tests. Additional analysis has been carried out in terms of gender, disadvantage and ethnicity.
See intended outcomes above 1. Language & Oracy skills – this remains a recurring strand School Improvement Plan and a particular focus in EYFS and Writing. 2. EYFS & Year 1 progress – see above re progress. 2024 attainment data shows Reception and Year 1 Pupil Premium children performing at a lower level than non Pupil Premium children. However, the gap between PP & non PP children is smaller than the Lewisham average. 3. Vulnerable pupils – The attainment gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged across 17 measures across the school was better than national gap in 4, similar in 5 and worse in 8. Specific PP children identified (at the beginning of year) in each class for additional Team Around the Pupil focus and support (reviewed after Mid Year Tests in Feb ’25). Quality First Teaching – The amount of good or better lessons in recent observations was similar to previous years. 4. Curriculum Enrichment – a full, irresistible learning programme took place for all year groups in 2022/23. 5. Behaviour & PSED – this continues to be an area of strength for the school as identified internally and by school improvement partners. Additional challenges in one particular year group. 6. Attendance – 2022-23 overall attendance approximately 2% lower than pre-Covid figure. This is reportedly in line with many other Lewisham schools. |
Further Information (optional)
2024/25 is the last year we will be receiving a small amount of additional funding from a local charity, CHART, which covers additional club subsidies and other enrichment activities that are not covered within the budget or the above strategy. |
To download this statement, please click here.