Marvels Lane Primary School Governing Body
A governing body provides strategic leadership and accountability within schools. It has three key functions:
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure the money is well spent.
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
At Marvels Lane, our Governors provide support and challenge to the Headteacher and other staff to improve the outcomes for all children within the school. Our governing body has representatives from the school community (parents and staff) in addition to the wider community and local authority.
The Governing Body meets once a term in smaller committees, where particular issues are examined. These committees cover the following areas:
- Children and Community
- Curriculum and Achievement
- Resources including Finance, Premises and Catering
- Pay & Personnel
The Full Governing Body (Attendance Record) also meets once a term, twice in the Autumn Term, where the outcomes from committee meetings are discussed along with in depth reports from the Headteacher. The Governors will also visit the school on other occasions to talk with children about their learning and with staff about their roles and responsibilities.
It should be remembered that members of any school governing body are volunteers and give up their free time to take part in meetings and visits.
Children & Community Attendance
Curriculum & Achievement Attendance
Please click on the links below to read more about us, our committee structure and our register of interests.
Click here for further information including governor’s registry of interests.
Governors Meetings and Visits 2024-2025
All Governors can be contacted via the school office either by email or by letter, please mark your envelope private and confidential and it will be forwarded to the named Governor.