At Marvels Lane, we believe in the power of home learning to help you be the best that you can be.
Our Home Learning gives pupils the chance to focus on three areas: Reading, Challenge and Practice
READING Reading is amazing. We hope you think it’s fun, and that you are reading lots of exciting books. Your Home Learning book will have a Reading Record. Your parent or carer will need to sign it when you read, and it should be brought in to your class when your teacher tells you. Reading tasks will be included in your Home Learning Challenges. These will be exciting activities to get you thinking deeply about the books you are reading, like creating posters, book reviews and character drawings. |
CHALLENGE We love to be challenged at Marvels Lane. It develops determination, grit, perseverance and positivity. Every half term, you will get a menu of challenges to complete from your teacher. These will be based on your topic. There will be a mixture of Writing, Art, Science and other subjects to choose from. The teacher will set you a number of these challenges to complete. Pupils putting in lots of effort into their Home Learning Challenges will be put forward to receive class awards or even prizes in Assembly. |
Each week, pupils should practise some of the skills they have been working on in class. Practice helps skills get deep into your brain. Do it enough, you become an expert and can move on to new skills. Don’t practise until you get it right; practise until you can’t get it wrong! |
Please click on the links below to access the challenges for your child.
Reception Aut 1 | Year 1 Aut 1 | Year 2 Aut 1 |
Year 3 Aut 1 | Year 4 Aut 1 | Year 5 Aut 1 |
In preparation for secondary school, Year 6 will be given weekly homework.
Please check out out weblinks page for websites that support and extend learning.
We also post the Picture News resources for home learning.