Reading and Phonics in EYFS & KS1
In Marvels Lane Primary School we are dedicated in delivering high quality, fun phonics sessions. We follow the Phonics programme ‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised’. This is a complete systematic synthetic phonics programme that is taught in reception and year 1.
Information regarding this programme including further support for parents can be found on the website here.
EYFS and KS1 Phonics and Reading Overview
Reading in Nursery
In Nursery children are surrounded by a rich selection of high quality books. They are given opportunities to explore these books independently in a vibrant book corner and they are regularly given opportunities to hear stories read aloud.
Nursery Children take home story sacks each week which contain high quality books and props to support the story. Parents are encouraged to share these story sacks with their child and play together using the props to help retell the story and bring it to life.
Phonics in Nursery
Talk is a key priority in Marvels Lane. Nursery children are surrounded by exciting activities which stimulate talk and develop language. Children’s listening skills are a key area of their phonics development in nursery. Developing their listening skills through games helps children to then hear and recognise the initial sounds in words when they are introduced.
Reading in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
It is important that all pupils become confident, enthusiastic readers. Our aim is for all children to have a passion for books and a love for reading no matter what their reading level. Therefore, children will often bring home books of their own choice from the book corners in their classrooms. These books are not necessarily matched to their reading level but books that have excited them. These books are read to them by the adults at home.
In addition to this, children will also bring home a reading book linked to their reading ability. These books are phonetically decodable and will start to come home in reception once phonics lessons have started and the child is showing the ability to blend independently. These books progress from phase 2 to phase 5 supporting each child to develop their reading ability from reception to year 2.
Learning to Read in School
Children from reception to year 2 are taught to read through the ‘Little Wandle’ guided reading scheme. Children are differentiated into guided reading groups that suit their reading ability, and each guided reading group are heard three times every week by the class Teacher or TA.
The first guided reading session is used to introduce the text and to practice their decoding skills by applying their phonics. The second session focuses on fluency and reading with expression and the third session focuses on the children’s comprehension skills and their ability to answer questions, make predictions and show a good level of understanding about what they have read,
Phonics in reception, year 1 and year 2
Letter sounds are taught systematically by the class teacher daily using the Little Wandle program. Children are taught to blend and segment words using letter sounds. They are also taught a range of tricky words that they can then read and write with fluency. Any child falling behind in their learning of phonics are supported by the Little Wandle ‘keep up’ programme.
The school organise regular phonic workshops for parents to help support in their understanding of how we teach phonics in school so that they are better equipped to support their child at home. In addition, further support for parents can be found on the Little Wandle website by clicking here.