Please click here to view information about our PE & SPORT PREMIUM FUNDING 2023-2024
Each year the government is providing all primary schools with a grant to improve Physical Education and Sport within schools. Marvels Lane has been allocated £18,930 for this year.
What follows is a summary of what we want to achieve with PE at Marvels Lane and how we are spending the money. Some of this has been and will be limited by post Covid restrictions.
- To improve the quality of what we are teaching at the moment
- Continue to employ a PE expert to deliver lessons within the new curriculum
- Prioritise the knowledge and skills which ‘must’ be taught within each sport to ensure coverage and progression across year groups.
- Audit PE equipment – replace or enhance where necessary
- Continue dance provision – every class receiving half term tuition from Laban trained dance teacher.
- To ensure children receive a wide range of physical exercise across the school.
- Provide regular activity to promote physical and mental well-being through.
- regular 5 minutes physical activity within the class (5-a-day channel).
- Improve provision of playground games.
- Further increase the number of after school clubs that require physical exercise.
- To continue to rebuild the participation in competitive sport, both in terms of number and variety of events and number of children participating.
- Within school (including sports week) and through partnerships with other local schools.
- To increase the percentage of children who are able to swim more than 10 metres and more than 25 metres by the end of KS2.
We will do this by:
- Continuing current provision (e.g. Dance Teacher, Sports Expert)
- Re-instating previous additional provision (clubs, competitions etc)
- Provide additional subject leader time to PE subject leader to lead and drive subject and action plan across the school.
- Purchase equipment to support new interventions/clubs
- Provide additional cover to teachers/TAs to enable children to attend competitions during the school day.
- Pay for additional clubs
The cost of the above is covered by the PE Sports Grant of £18,930 and additional funds from the school’s general budget.