Extra Curricular Clubs and After-School Provision

Extra-Curricular Clubs

We run a wide variety of clubs at Marvels Lane and try to cater for as many children as possible in many different ways. Our clubs are arranged to provide a wide range of additional curriculum opportunities. These currently include: football, dance, ballet and playground games. These clubs do change on a termly basis. Many are free, although some have a termly charge to cover the costs of external providers.

Details for all clubs are sent out termly via e-mail and application/payment must be made via ParentPay.  Clubs normally run for 10 weeks within the term, a timetable can be viewed below

Clubs Timetable SPRING TERM 2025

If you would like further information about any of these clubs, please contact the school office.

Music Lessons

Children are currently able to take part in Violin, Guitar or Brass lessons.  The tuition takes place in small groups during the school day and there will be a termly charge to cover the cost of the tutors.

Details and application forms for all music lessons are sent out termly (when there is space available), further details are available from the office.

Wraparound Care

Wraparound Care is how we describe our arrangements for looking after children before and after ‘normal’ school hours.  At Marvels Lane, we provide both Breakfast and After-School Provision, both of which are intended to provide affordable childcare for working parents.  Both services are run by a small team of qualified school staff.

Breakfast Club opens at 8:00am and is a great way to start the day.  Children will be given a choice of breakfast cereal or toast and jam with water or milk to drink.  There will be a range of activities available for the children each morning as well as a quiet reading area.  Breakfast club costs £3.00 per child per session and takes place in our dining hall.

Little Acorns After-School Provision provides an environment for children to relax and enjoy themselves with a range of fun activities and games.  It will run from 3:30pm until 5:45pm, the time being split into two sessions:

  • Session 1 runs from 3:30-4:45pm
  • Session 2 runs from 4:45-5:45pm

Each session costs £5.00 and children staying for the second session will be provided with a light snack. Little Acorns takes place in the Children’s Centre next to the school.

Sessions for both services must be booked and paid for in advance via ParentPay.  If you are interested in either service, please visit or email the office and a member of the team will help you.


Breakfast Club T&C

Little Acorns T&C