School Uniform
A full range of school uniform will soon be available to order online from our new suppliers, Brigade Clothing Ltd. Until their online ordering facility is set up you will be able to buy knitted jumpers, cardigans and sweatshirts (all with the school logo) from the school office via your Parentpay account, please contact the office if you need any assistance with this Items not requiring the school logo can be purchased from any high street supplier.
Our school uniform consists of:
- Sweatshirts – grey or blue, these must have the school logo
- Jumpers / Cardigans – grey, with or without the school logo
- Trousers / Skirt / Pinafore Dress – grey
- Shirt / Blouse / Polo Shirt (with collar) – light blue, with or without the school logo
- Shoes / Trainers – black, without coloured laces
- Socks / Tights – grey, blue, white or black (plain, not patterned)
- Hair Bands / Beads / Head Scarves – black, white, blue, grey, silver or gold
In the Summer Term, children may also wear:
- Summer Dresses – blue and white stripes or checked
- Shorts – grey
- Cardigans (girls) – white, without school logo
- Shoes / backed sandals (girls) – white
PE Kit consists of:
- Trainers – preferably Black or White
- T-Shirt – plain White, without school logo
- Shorts or Jogging Bottoms – plain Black, without school logo
- Sweatshirt or Jumper for colder weather – plain Black, without school logo
Earrings should be studs or very small hoops only. Watches may be worn, but no bracelets, rings or necklaces. There may on rare occasions be exceptions to this, but only with written permission from the school
Second-Hand School Uniform
We accept and sell good quality second-hand uniform (50p per item), please email us or ask in the office if you would like to purchase any. All donations are also gratefully received.
Please ensure that all of your child’s uniform is clearly labelled with their name.