How will the teachers check whether my child is engaging with their work?
The teachers will review the work submitted by children into Google Classroom daily by noting what has been completed and will respond to what has been done well as well as next steps in learning, where appropriate.
In addition, the quality of learning and the level of engagement by children will be monitored by the SLT.
How will I be informed if there are concerns?
Where there is a concern, the class teacher will be asked to contact the parents or carers of the child to support with any issues. If this does not result in a increase of engagement, a member of the SLT will become involved and will contact the parents or carers to see what can be done to ensure that their child begins to engage more often.
How will you assess my child’s work and progress?
The teachers will review all learning including self-marked, to assess understanding of the learning objective and to plan the next steps for the children.
For some work, for example maths or comprehension questions, answers will be provided by the teachers for the children to mark their own work.
For some learning, for example writing, success criteria will be provided for the children to judge the success of their work before they submit it. These success criteria will be used to guide the teachers’ responses as will their knowledge of the individual’s own learning journey.
KS2 reading will use the expectations of Destination Reader which the children are used to in class. The same DR skills will be used by the children when responding to texts.
The teachers will review the learning daily and respond to at least one piece of work from each child a day. This may be greater depending in the learning submitted.
How will individual children who are self-isolating be supported?