How do I access Remote Learning?
We have chosen Google Classroom as the platform for our Remote Learning. The children have been given their login details (an email address and a password) which they will need to enter to access their online classroom.We have created some help videos for accessing and using Google Classroom, click here to view them.
In addition, for children in Nursery and Reception, the parents and carers will also be sent all the information by email.
What will my children have access to on Google Classroom?
Google Classroom will enable the teachers to provide live Meet sessions and videos as well as written instructions, worksheets and pictures to support pupil learning. Pupils will be able to join the Meet sessions and upload their work, as a document, a photo or a video, into their classroom. Teachers will then be able to view the children’s work and respond. In addition, teachers, children and parents/carers will be able to discuss work privately through the comments function.