The DfE have recently reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”
In Marvels Lane, many aspects of British Values have been and continue to be taught as part of our Values education, assemblies, the school council, circle time, pupil, parent & staff questionnaires, class contracts, visits (e.g. from the police and fire services), our reward systems, the choices available to the children both within the classroom, in our range of extra-curricular activities and other opportunities including which charity they wish to support, e-safety teaching, religious and PSHE and citizenship education.
When we were developing our new curriculum, we looked at how British Values could be explored further with the children. Where links are clear, we have made them an integral part of the topic, from the development of our democratic system from ancient Greece to the modern day (Year 3 – Groovy Greeks) to the history of the British Monarchy (Year 2 – Maybe It’s Because I’m a Londoner); from Famous Britons (Year 1 – Famous People, Year 4 – Gadgets & Gizmos) to being part of Britain (Year 1 – Ourselves, Our World, Year 5 – Google London) The history and development of our country from the Stone Age to the twentieth century is examined in detail in many of our History and Geography based topics while, in Science, all year groups study the changes in a local environment.
Click here to look at our curriculum and curriculum maps in more detail.