Aims and Values
We believe that all children at Marvels Lane School have the right to feel safe and happy.They should have every opportunity to be able to learn and achieve. We aim to create an ethos where respect, kindness and tolerance are expected to be given and received by all members of our school community.
The following represents the guiding principles all members of our community, children and adults, are expected to follow:
Everyone will be encouraged to:
~ Be polite, use appropriate language and show good manners at all times.
~ Show kindness, respect and tolerance for all.
~ Listen to each other.
~ Follow instructions the first time.
~ Not put anyone down.
~ Respect property and the school environment.
~ Not be verbally or physically aggressive.
~ Learn and practise self-control.
~ Learn from mistakes.
~ Walk quietly and calmly throughout the school at all times.
~ Listen to others carefully without interrupting.
~ Ask adults for help when there is a problem.
As a school we aim to provide a safe and secure learning environment, by applying clear and consistent approaches for behaviour management (see below).
In general, we aim to help children manage their own behaviour through providing clear and consistent expectations, praise and reward when the children follow those expectations and a graduated response when they do not. We aim to do this within a context of strong and positive staff/children relationships and high quality, appropriately pitched learning opportunities.
In addition to maintaining whole school rules and routines, class teachers will:
~Develop and then follow class rules and routines through consultation with the children.
~Implement specific or differentiated approaches and plans for individual children, as necessary.
We will reward positive behaviour fairly, proportionately and consistently,all within a context of strong and positive relationships. We believe that children should be recognised for keeping the rules and expectations and also for efforts to improve in all areas of behaviour.
This will primarily be through an internal sense of pride and adult praise but also, where appropriate through specific rewards.
Rewards will be focused around three key areas.
1. Learning– examples of excellent learning and/or effort may be rewarded through recognition in assembly, through the Headteacher’s golden book, golden stickers and certificates, postcards, notes / phone calls home or other class based systems such as a ‘wow work’ display.
2. Learning behaviour – As well as some of the rewards above, Gem points and/or certificates may be given when the children are using their Gem Powers.
We use Gem powers as a way of encouraging children to be the best learners that they can be. They cover many of the key characteristics and behaviours that make successful and independent learners.
- SapphirePower helps children focus and avoid distracting or being distracted by other children.
- RubyPower encourages children to be positive.
- EmeraldPower supports the development of perseverance and helps children cope with frustration.
- DiamondPower develops skills in solving problems and independence.
3. Community/social behaviour – In addition, we use our Values system and house system to develop children’s sense of community and their role within it, both towards themselves and others.
We use House Points to recognise the values-based aspects of children’s behaviour.
Everybody in our school community (except the HT, DHT & AHT) belongs to one of our 4 houses, house points can be given for anything that helps our community be a better place, from picking up a piece of rubbish, holding open a door, acting as a role model for other children and any other way of upholding our core values.
All rewards can be earned individually but others can be class or group based, working towards a joint reward for a class or group such, as marbles in jar, points on a chart to earn additional play, golden time or othertreats for children as a group.
We aim to apply consequences/sanctions fairly, proportionately and consistently,all within a context of strong and positive relationships.
If a child has done something wrong they will be encouraged to:
- a) Take responsibility – by being honest and then taking any consequences or sanctions.
b) Make things better – by saying / showing they’re sorry and attempting to repair any damage or hurt caused.
c) Learn from the situation.
Consequences/sanctions may include missed playtime or lunchtime time (Red Zone),removal of privilege such as being a monitor, phone calls home or speaking to parents, being sent to theHead Teacher or member of the SLT or removal from a lesson or session. In more extreme cases internal or external exclusion may be necessary.
Systems are in place in all classes to support the clear and consistent implementation of this policy.
These systems provide stepping stones of consequences for making wrong choices in the classroom and around school. They include the use of class charts, coloured cards for rewards and sanctions and collections of marbles etc to contribute to a shared reward. There will be a graduated response to inappropriate behaviour from a gentle reminder through to the consequences mentioned above.
On some occasions this whole school approach may not be sufficient and there will be children who need a more targeted approach, this may include the need to:
- Consider the need for additional support through the School Inclusion Leader, Learning Mentor or PPSW (Pupil Parent Support Worker).
- Initiate closer monitoring i.e. frequency monitoring, time sampling etc.
- Use a range of additional school strategies such as a behaviour book or Individual Behaviour Plan.
- Work closely with parents/carers to investigate possible causes/alternative strategies.
- Refer to other agencies i.e. Outreach Inclusion team /Educational Psychologist etc.
- Consider the use of internal and external exclusion in line with current LA and DFE guidance and advice.
For this to be effective it is essential that we work together with parents and carers who will:
~ Be encouraged to have read the behaviour policy and work in partnership with the school in promoting the positive behaviour of their children.
~ Discuss the school rules with their child.
~ Talk to their child about their behaviour.
~ Listen to their child’s point of view whilst also considering the other side.
~ Talk to their child’s teacher or a member of the Senior Leadership team if concerned about a behaviour issue.
In turn, the school will inform and consult with parentsabout their child’s behaviour, as appropriate.
We believe that no child or adult should be discriminated against on the grounds of age, class, culture, disability, gender, language, race, religion, sexuality or special needs. In line with the current equalities legislation (see Equalities Policy), we will be proactive in promoting equality, eliminating discrimination and eliminating harassment. Any attitude, use of language, action or practice which assumes or implies inherent inferiority or superiority of any group will be dealt with and challenged whether it is overt and intentional, disguised yet deliberate, or unintentional. Any such action, verbal or physical, by pupils will be dealt with rigorously.
We aim to create an environment in which children feel safe and bullying is prevented at every opportunity. An ethos is created where children can talk to a whole range of adults about any concern. Any instances of perceived or actual bullying will be addressed quickly (see Anti-Bullying Policy for definition and more detail). They will be investigated, dealt with as appropriate and then monitored. Bullying is not tolerated at Marvels Lane.
Staff Development
- All teachers will have their own behaviour management plan detailing their strategies for managing behaviour with classes, groups or individuals. These plans will be reviewed and amended as necessary.
- Regular staff training will continue to support the development of skills and strategies for all staff.
- Behaviour management and learning behaviour will be monitored by the Senior Leadership Team.
In conclusion, the primary aim of our behaviour policy is to promote good behaviour. Having high expectations, being good role models and rewarding pupils enable us to promote positive behaviour. Marvels Lane School aims to enable children to achieve the highest possible standards academically, creatively, personally and socially – To Be The Best That They Can Be.
Inclusion Leader
Jacqui Macnamara
November 2018
Click here to download our Behaviour Policy