Charging and Remissions Policy




The purpose of this policy is to ensure that there is clarity over those items which the school will provide free of charge and for those items where there may be a charge.


The school day is defined as 9.00am to 3.15pm. The midday break does not form part of the school day.

Policy Statement

During the school day all activities that are a necessary part of the National Curriculum will be provided free of charge. This includes any materials and equipment. It excludes charges made for teaching an individual pupil or groups of up to four pupils to play a musical instrument. Unless the teaching is an essential part of either the National Curriculum or a public examination syllabus being followed by the pupil(s), we will make a charge. Please see item re. Musical Tuition

Voluntary contributions will be sought for activities during the school day which will entail additional costs, i.e. trips included in our cultural entitlement programme or as an enrichment to our topics.

In these circumstances no pupil will be prevented from participating because his/her Parent/Carers are unable to or unwilling to make a contribution. In the event of insufficient funds being available it may be necessary to curtail or cancel activities.

From time to time we may invite a non school based organisation, such as a drama group or group of musicians, to arrange an activity during the school day. Such organisations may wish to charge the school for this service. The cost of these events will usually be met by the Special Events Fund.

Optional activities outside the school day

When optional extra activities are provided by experts outside the school day, we may provide these free of charge, charge a nominal fee of £1 or charge for the full cost. The amount we charge will depend on the amount of additional funding we have been able to secure. No charge will exceed the cost of the club. No child shall be precluded from participating in these clubs due to family circumstances.

Residential School Journeys

Charges will be made for board and lodging and transport, except for pupils whose Parent/Carers are in receipt of eligible benefits.  See below for list of eligible benefits where a reduced charge will apply.

Calculating charges

When charges are made for an activity, whether during or outside of the school day, they will be based on the actual costs incurred, divided by the number of the pupils participating. There may be a subsidy from the school towards the cost.

The principles of best value will be applied when planning activities that incur costs to the school and/or charges to Parent/Carers.

Music Tuition

During the school day pupils can be charged for small group teaching but not for whole class/large group teaching projects. Out of school hours teaching is at the discretion of the school. For small group teaching, the school will charge not more than £30 per term to pupils. Children entitled to FSM are subsidised by Lewisham Music Service and charged £10 per term. In exceptional circumstances school will make special arrangements and additional resources will be sourced in cases of hardship.


The cost of hiring the Children’s Centre Classroom will be £150 per day or a reduced rate of either £100 or less for partners. These fees are at the discretion of the Headteacher or their representative. This includes the use of a variety of resources. Beverages are included in the hire charge. Food is to be arranged by the course provider. Profits from the let will go directly to The Special Events Fund. Lettings are not to be made available for private individuals or groups.

Eligible benefits

Income support;

Income – based Jobseeker’s Allowance;

Support under part VI of the Immigration and asylum Act 1999; or

Child Tax Credit (providing that they do not also receive Working Tax Credit and have an annual income, assessed by the Inland Revenue, that does not exceed the amount specified)

This is a working document and will be reviewed in accordance with the SDP as appropriate.

Jan 2014

Click here to download our Charging and Remissions Policy.