Admission Policy




For Reception to Year 6 admissions are administered by Lewisham Local Authority

 For Nursery places we follow Lewisham’s recommended procedures, which are:

 Parents should register for a place in the nursery class by completing and signing an application form when their child reaches the age of 2.  The length of time a child’s name is on the application list does not give the child priority over later applicants.  If more parents want nursery places for their children than it is possible to provide the headteacher will make decisions and give priority in the following order to:

  1. Children in public care (also called ‘looked after’).
  1. In exceptional circumstances there is discretion to admit children on the grounds of their or their family’s acute medical or social need and who would not otherwise qualify for admission.
  1. Applicants whose brother or sister (a ‘sibling’) is on the roll of the main school. If the school is oversubscribed entirely with siblings, priority will be given to those with
  • Exceptional social or medical need and
  • Living closest to the school

Siblings include all blood or adoptive siblings, half siblings, foster siblings of looked after children and step-siblings.  Siblings must all be living at the same address as the child.  Proof of the sibling relationship may be required.

  1. Children who live closest to the school. The headteacher has discretion over the balance of 3 and 4 year olds in the nursery.  Priority will be given to Lewisham residents.  An existing childminder’s address, instead of the home address, may only be used to determine ‘nearness’ if the child has a medical or social need for the school. The child’s home address must also be in Lewisham.

A period of three terms is regarded as the minimum time that children should spend in a nursery class and the maximum is five terms.  No child will be admitted to the nursery before their third birthday.

October 2013

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